Gary Johnson weed quotes

"Let's end the unworkable marijuana prohibition and put our money where our mouth is. Let's solve the problems like border crime. We can do it with pot legalization."

Seth Rogen marijuana quotes

In an interview after being elected a top celebrity stoner, Rogen said: "I don’t know what to say. It's just such an honor. And...uh... um... what was I talking about? Something about weed? I can't remember. Never mind."

Rep. Frank Smizik marijuana quote

"Marijuana has proven its medical efficacy. This bill is about more than just commonsense, it’s about compassion. As the law stands these patients are faced with the daunting decision between foregoing much needed relief and committing a criminal act. These seriously ill patients do not always have the luxury of popping a pill to ease their suffering. For some, relief cannot be found in the pharmaceuticals available to them. For others, the side effects of such drugs are too harsh to handle."

Ron Paul marijuana quote

"The war against marijuana causes so much hardship and accomplishes nothing."

Montel Williams weed quotes

"Prescription drugs nearly shut down my kidneys. Then a doctor suggested I try medical marijuana...We've been caught up in culture surrounding medical marijuana that's 20 years old. While adhering to every single state law, we want to provide safe access for patients and really medicalize this. Patients should be put first. ... I want this to be someplace your mother and father could see themselves walk into."

Tommy Chong weed quotes

debating on the issue of medical marijuana use: "Do you know Montel Williams? Montel Williams has M.S. It's a debilitating disease that he keeps under control by using marijuana. Melissa Etheridge suffers from cancer and she survived thru the use of it has medical use, so that lie you've just said - it has no medical use what so ever, it's a lie...and the reason you tell that lie it's because you're being payed to tell that lie, like the rest of the liars..."

Joe Rogan weed quotes

"All that, and if they catch you with it they can lock you in a cage. If that’s not fucked, I don’t know what is. It seems like a frivolous issue, but I truly believe that legalization would completely change the direction of our society."

Lamar Smith weed quotes (Chairman at the House Judiciary Committee; Republican)

"Marijuana use and distribution is prohibited under federal law because it has a high potential for abuse and does not have an accepted medical use in the U.S.. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved smoked marijuana for any condition or disease. Decriminalizing marijuana will only lead to millions more Americans becoming addicted to drugs and greater profits for drug cartels who fund violence along the U.S.-Mexico border. Allowing states to determine their own marijuana policy flies in the face of Supreme Court precedent."

Barney Frank weed quotes (Democrat Congressman)

"Criminally prosecuting adults for making the choice to smoke marijuana is a waste of law enforcement resources and an intrusion on personal freedom. I do not advocate urging people to smoke marijuana. Neither do I urge them to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke tobacco. But in none of these cases do I think prohibition enforced by criminal sanctions is good public policy."

Barbara Lee weed quotes

"The human cost of the failed drug war has been enormous - egregious racial disparities, shattered families, poverty, public health crises, prohibition-related violence, and the erosion of civil liberties. And of course the cost in dollars and cents has been staggering as well - over a trillion dollars spent to incarcerate tens of millions of young people. I co-sponsored this bipartisan legislation because I believe it is time to turn the page from this failed drug war."

John McKay (former U.S. attorney in Seattle) weed quotes

"That’s what drives my concern: The black market fuels the cartels, and that’s what allows them to buy the guns they use to kill people. A lot of Americans smoke pot and they’re willing to pay for it. I think prohibition is a dumb policy, and there are a lot of line federal prosecutors who share the view that the policy is suspect."

Dr. Ed Hertko (Iowa advocate for medical marijuana) weed quotes

"...medicalizing the currently illegal substance has nothing to do with drug users who simply want to get high. The people who want recreational marijuana already know how to get it."

Alyssa Campanella (Miss USA 2011) weed quotes

"Well, I understand why that question would be asked, especially with today’s economy, but I also understand that medical marijuana is very important to help those who need it medically. I’m not sure if it should be legalized, if it would really affect, with the drug war. I mean, it’s abused today, unfortunately, so that’s the only reason why I would kind of be a little bit against it, but medically it’s OK."

Leighton Meester weed quotes

"It’s funny that I’m now getting to live through what school should have been – glamorous and full of parties. But I didn’t do any of that stuff. I hated school. I’d do anything but be in school, so I’d skip class. I wasn’t dating around, but we’d smoke pot."

Howard Rahtz weed quotes ( LEAP )

"If we're serious about choking off the revenue to these drug traffickers, and that's my major goal here - if we're really serious about choking off the revenue to them - the first thing we need to do is something about marijuana. If they legalize marijuana tomorrow, you won't see Howard Rahtz in line to buy any of it. I don't care about it. All I care about is trying to stop the violence that's going on, associated with drug trafficking. And the first thing we can do is take marijuana out of the market by legalizing it. What business could sustain the loss of 60 percent of their revenue? We take away their single biggest product, their single biggest source of income and we're going to severely affect their bottom line."

Tom Brokaw weed quotes

"There was this early benign attitude, certainly toward marijuana, and then even toward cocaine later on, which was not an area for me. I didn't go there. But you know, marijuana was being passed around at very establishment cocktails parties like an after-dinner drink of some kind."

Faith Evans marijuana quotes

"I’ve never liked to smoke right before I sing. I usually gargle with salt and hot water. Smoking, period, dries out your voice – smoking anything dries your vocal cords.
I have definitely smoked recreationally. I never even tried it until I was an adult, after my first child was born. A friend of mine used to smoke, and I would be sittin’ in the car with him goin’ to wherever we were goin’. He asked me to try it, and I didn’t feel anything. After that, it probably wasn’t until I moved to California. I didn’t even know what I was supposed to feel, but then I started choking and – wow, okay. That’s when I knew how it was supposed to feel.
When I was heavily into working out a few years back, I’d smoke before I worked out. To be honest, I would go and work out for two hours, sometimes twice a day, because it made me feel like I wasn’t really focused on anything else."

Kirsten Dunst weed quotes

"America’s view on weed is ridiculous"

William F. Buckley marijuana quotes

"The anti-marijuana campaign is a cancerous tissue of lies, undermining law enforcement, aggravating the drug problem, depriving the sick of needed help and suckering well-intentioned conservatives and countless frightened parents."

Joe Rogan marijuana quotes

"It’s a plant that gives you a different perspective. It’s a turbo charger for your imagination, it soothes pain and calms nerves, it makes sex feel 100 times better, it makes you more compassionate and more affectionate, it connects you to nature in a way that makes you feel like you’re seeing the world for the very first time, it’s the source of 99% of the comedy I write, and it’s never killed a single person - Ever !"

Peter Coyote weed quotes

“jailing people for the mild alteration of their consciousness will appear to future generations as cruel and draconian as the tortures of the Inquisition appear to us today. May the reputations of today’s jailers suffer the same fate as Torquemada’s reputation today.”

Montel Williams marijuana quotes

 "It's absurd. I can go get morphine pumped into my system and nobody's got a problem, but all of a sudden they're really worried if I smoked a joint."

Ed Rosenthal weed quotes

"Thank you for your love and trust. It is mutual. I really have to thank the community. Without your concern and help I would be fighting the marijuana laws from behind bars. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Megan Fox marijuana quotes

"I can't tell you how much bullshit I've been through because I will openly say that I smoke weed. People look at it like it's this crazy, hippy, fucked-up thing to do. And it's not. I hope they legalize it."

George Michael marijuana quotes

"...this time last year I was a complete and utter pothead. I know it's lunacy but the horrible truth is that the grass really helped me. It got me through making Older. I was under more stress than I'd ever been. This had to amount to something substantial to justify the wait. And grass really helped me with the lyrics. I'd know there was something I really wanted to say but I wouldn't know how to say it, so I'd have a few drags and stand behind the mike and in a few minutes it'd be there. It's bad because I don't want to smoke but I can't see myself giving grass up as a writer."

Justin Timberlake marijuana quotes

"The only thing pot does for me is it gets me to stop thinking. Sometimes I have a brain that needs to be turned off. Some people are just better high."

Fernando Henrique Cardoso (former Brazilian President ) weed quotes

"The fact is that the war on drugs is a failure. Being a failure is not saying that you have nothing to do with drugs. You have to act. The drug are infiltrating the local power in several parts of the world. Corruption is increasing and the consumption of drugs is also increasing. Instead of punishing drug users, the commission argues that governments should end the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization of people who use drugs but who do no harm to others."

Adam Carolla weed quotes

"It has to… We don’t have a bigger fish to fry than pot? It’s going to happen. It’s just going to happen. It will come to pass"

Joe Rogan weed quotes

"There are a lot of horrible, evil drugs out there in this world that can ruin a person’s life and tear families to pieces when one of its members is caught in its ruthless clutch and they should be eradicated from our society. Marijuana isn’t one of them.

Steph Sherer weed quotes

"While I am neither a celebrity nor a stoner, I will continue to work with patients across the U.S. to make sure that they receive the treatment they need without fear of legal sanction or the challenges of safe access. I challenge your readers to join me in this important fight by becoming a member of ASA."

George W. Bush weed quotes

"I wouldn’t answer the marijuana question. You know why? Cause I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried. You gotta understand, I want to be president, I want to lead. Do you want your little kid to say: "Hey daddy, President Bush tried marijuana, I think I will !" ?"

Jesse Ventura weed quotes

"The war on drugs is a failure for the same reasons Prohibition was a failure… Just imagine if we could find some way for addicts to get their drugs cheaply, safely, and legally. The bottom would drop out of the illegal drug market. We’d see a huge drop in organized and violent crime."

Amy Poehler weed quotes

"When you're doing something illegal you need to speak in code. When I call up my weed dealer and I ask for $50 worth of circus tickets, you know what he doesn't give me? Circus tickets! Really!"

Enrique Iglesias weed quotes

"I have taken grass, hoping I would write better music, but it made my writing worse and I felt terrible and paranoid".

Robert Mitchum weed quotes

"The only effect that I ever noticed from smoking marijuana was a sort of mild sedative, a release of tension when I was overworking. It never made me boisterous or quarrelsome. If anything, it calmed me and reduced my activity."

Faith Evans weed quotes

- about her weed incident in 2004: "That actually was widely misreported, because I certainly didn’t go to rehab. It was not that serious: They found a half-joint in a cigarette case in my husband’s luggage. We actually went to what was called a “spiritual diversion program”, where you go a few times and get different religious literature or have to watch a video. You basically write what you got from it. I grew up in church, so I already knew what I was gonna write – I already knew the answer before they asked me the question. We only really ended up doing that two or three times before they actually threw the whole thing away."

Steve-O weed quotes

"I was a three-days-in-a-row dude every time. I've done my share of nitrous. That's pretty gnarly too. I treated myself to some Ecstasy and ketamine. I've always been a pothead. Check out my wrist, dude. I've got a pot leaf tattooed on it."

Pakelika weed quotes

"Why I Love to Vape: First off, it's the cleanest high. It's healthier than smoking. When you smoke, you burn the plant and the THC. When you vape, the plant isn't burned and you benefit by getting the most THC possible."

Joe Rogan weed quotes

"The estimated amount of marijuana that you would have to smoke to kill yourself is somewhere around 1,500 pounds. That’s all just an estimate really, because researchers have never been able to successfully give an animal enough pot to kill them.

Brad Daddy X weed quotes

"Let me put it to you this way: when you go to Amsterdam, weed is legal and it's not an issue. Their society functions normally. People are out riding their bikes, living healthy - just a thriving society, and it's just not that big of a deal. Whether it's legal or illegal in America, don't kid yourself and think that millions of people [don't] enjoy smoking marijuana. That's just a fact. How could any man be arrogant enough to outlaw a plant? To question the wisdom of the creator?"

Sarah Silverman weed quotes

"Marijuana really expands your mind"

Wyclef Jean weed quotes

"President Bush needs to smoke marijuana...F@#k Bush!"

Oliver Stone weed quotes

"If it hadn't been for marijuana and my black brothers in Vietnam, I don't think I'd be the same person, I don't think I'd be alive. That's why I did the bunker scene in Platoon, the bit with Elias and the shotgun reefer. Vietnamese grass is one of the most powerful, transforming herbs in the world. When I got high on that stuff, listening to Smokey, that's when I began to understand that life is sacred, that life has great vibrancy, which, in my case, was a perception I couldn't get out of."

Joe Rogan weed quotes

"It’s time to finally end all this stupid shit and let grown adults have the freedom to choose what experiences they’re going to have. That’s really what it boils down to at the end of the day; it’s just an experience. If it’s not going to kill you, what is it going to do? It’s going to give you a very particular experience that you’re not going to find any other way."

B-Real weed quotes

"We try to give you a little piece of knowledge of this plant so you don't misjudge it before you really know what's up with it. A lot of people don't even know what it's about. A 40-ouncer can kill you, literally. How can a joint kill you? Not even in the long run. There hasn't ever been one death behind a joint. Compare that to liquor, and liquor's legal. You could apply the same laws to weed as cigarettes and liquor."

Brad Daddy X weed quotes

"God's got ganja growing, smells so good to me. Ganja grows cuz jah jah knows. Plant yourself a tree! Life is a gift. Thanks to all the peaceful loving people for spreading the good word and growing the good herb. Roll one up pass it around! Long live the Kings!!"

Russell Simmons weed quotes

- after his wife Kimora Lee Simmons got arrested for possession of marijuana under 50 grams, eluding police, careless driving, tailgating and driving with a broken brake light, Russell stated: "The Rockefeller drug laws are unfair, unjust and un-American, and that's why Governor Pataki should repeal these unfair laws now"

Debby Goldsberry weed quotes

"Let's roll out the green carpet, put on hemp evening wear and celebrate! Cannabis is an amazing plant with a beautiful appearance. It's fun, creative and exciting. And it promotes a strong message of peace, kindness and compassion. I've been honored to be a spokesperson for this plant and this message for the last 20 years. Hemp can save the planet."

Megan Fox weed quotes

"I've done drugs. I didn't enjoy anything other than marijuana - it should be legalized."

Bill Kreutzmann weed quotes

"I smoke marijuana and I'm not a criminal. Please vote Yes on 19, Jerry Garcia would have voted Yes on 19"